
Daly Days returns to downtown Hamilton

Daly Days returns to downtown Hamilton

Daly Days returns to downtown Hamilton on Friday and Saturday, July 26 and 27, with dachshund races, a chalk drawing contest, a street dance, the Bitterrodder’s car show and a Big Wheels trike race.

The festivities kick off Friday morning, when local artists will grace the streets of the city centre for a competition that will see Hamilton’s sidewalks transformed into a scene from Mary Poppins, with artwork coming to life on every street corner.

Passersby can watch as local kids, creatives and artists join in the fun. Sidewalk Chalk Contest participants check in between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m., with judging beginning at 6:30 p.m. Categories include teams and families, teens, adults, non-competitive and under 12. Teen registration is $5, adult and team registration is $10.

“This year we’re adding a kids’ Big Wheel race, just something fun for the whole family,” said Robin Pruitt, executive director of the Hamilton Downtown Association. “We’re trying to spread all the activity from one end of Main to the other… So we don’t have any spots on Main Street that aren’t bustling with activity.”

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Main Street will be closed to regular traffic on Friday night in exchange for food trucks, bounce houses and a mechanical bull. Activities begin at 5 p.m. with the Big Wheels race for kids ages 3-7. Kids will be divided into three age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7. Racers must wear helmets and a parent must be present to participate. Parental waivers must be signed prior to the race.

The outdoor bar on Main Street opens at 5pm on Friday, with Bear Creek Boys kicking off the night with music at 6pm. Street dance headliners 406 Band will take the stage from 7pm to 11pm.

Described as “The Bear Creek Boys, a small, swinging dad from Victor, are known for their eclectic range of compelling, original, and genre-bending acoustic music spanning the late 1800s to the present.

After the Bear Creek Boys, headliners the 406 Band return to the Daly Days stage with their brand of “Country music from Montana, rock music with a touch of whiskey, Southern Rock and slow dance music.

Businesses in downtown Hamilton are holding sidewalk sales on Friday and Saturday, with special deals for Daly Days customers.

On Saturday, the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast will be held at 7 a.m. under the storefront of Bell McCall’s on Main Street, followed by the Bitterrodder’s Car Show and a craft fair.

The Weiner Dog Races are always a fan favorite at Daly Days. The races begin at 11:00 a.m. on Main Street and the spectator area fills up quickly as people line up to watch these precious pooches race to the finish line. Dog owners can register their pets in the categories of mini dachshund, chihuahua or mixed small breed.

Those wishing to register for the Weiner Dog Races, Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest or Big-Wheel kids’ race can register online at